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Here you will find about the feature release plan of the project based on the current team.

Release Contents
Website published
Project goes public.
Technical Preview

This will be the first source code release of the project. It will pack the most basic use cases partially implemented to prove feasibility of the architecture. Design activities are still ongoing for this release.

It will provide support for:

  • Case creation, and update.
  • Integration with WWF, and WCF
  • Case data customization definition (aka Case Type definition)
  • Users management, with Membership database provider.

Sinergia alpha

This release goal will be to evolve the prototype into a fully functional core. Feautures that were only partially supported will evolve. Some of the new features will be:

  • Attachments support
  • Case notes support
  • Managament reports
Sinergia beta
This release's focus will be:
  • UI customization
  • Assets Management
  • Knowledge Base Management
  • Additional Reports
  • Online documentation
Sinergia RC
The main goal for this release will be to include the visual designer workflow component for business process customization.
The future  At this point depending on a number of factors the project, packed with some bonus features may go commercial. The extra features will probably be the implementation of some of the requirements marked as tentative. Some of the options are: to sell support time, or market is as a product, or as a service.

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts"
