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Sinergia is a web based framework for developing help desk management solutions in .NET 3.0


Here you will find screenshots of the different pages involved in the Case Management life cycle.

Back end state machine

Sinergia's business process logic is defined by a Windows Workflow Foundation's state machine workflow. This is a picture of the state machine used in the pre alpha release.

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It consists of five main states. When a case is created it is persisted and is left pending in the Proposed state. Then a user with the Dispatcher role, browses the pending cases and assigns the case to a user with the Technician role, leaving the case in the Assigned state. The technician works and the case, and he may do one of two things, either postpone the case, or proposing a solution, setting the case's state as Waiting For User Confirmation (long name). If everything goes fine, the user accepts the proposed solutions, moving the case to the Final, Closed State

Open a new case

This is the first page in the case life cycle, used when the final user, with the lowest permission level opens a new case.

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Browse pending cases

Once the case has been created it can be browsed in the cases tray, which supports filtered search on cases.

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Assign case

The dispatcher, evaluates the proposed case, and either rejects it, or assigns it to one technician. Additionally he may add notes to the current case.

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Solve case

The technician works on the case, he may postpone or declare the case as solved. There is a expiration time defined, in this state, if it's reached, then the case is set as proposed again.

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Confirm proposed solution

The user who created the case in the first place, must now confirm that the proposed solution actually works, moving the case to the closed as solved, final state.

The case view allows looking at the case's history of events.

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Case Type Definition

Sinergia's cases data structure is partially customizable. There are some fields which are static, and exist in all of Sinergia's cases, such as Subject, Description, Date, Requester, etc. We will name this fields header fields. Also there are other fields which can be customized, the ones appearing in the lower part of the form.

Users with the Administrator role, may define Case Types, which are customization of the extension fields. Case Types may define groups, fields and metadata over these.

Once a Case Type is created it must be set to default Case Type in order to be used by users. This may change in future versions.

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Sinergia Help Desk

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts"
